Am I Genetically Doomed to Be Overweight?
[]CC Microbe World
I’ll cut straight to the chase.
I can’
Tim Ferriss' DiSSS Method for Weight Loss
Timothy Ferriss []has a history
Fitness Success
[]CC Hartwig HKD
“Success is peace of mind, which, is a direct
Diet is an Iterative Process
[]CC D. Sharon Pruitt
Ever feel like eating these days is a
Energy System Development
AKA "Cardio" but Energy System Development is so much more than that. A lot more. Find out how much more...
Change, In a Nutshell
Weight loss is really a process of change.
Changing the way you currently eat to a way that suits your
Risk vs Reward
The risk vs reward balance is how I govern all of my training programs. I’ve had
many the argument
Diets, The New Religion?
[]Yes this
is an actual book.
This is a revised article
Why 'Drill Sergeants' Don't Work
It comes up nearly every week, someone comes in to see me not particularly well
rested, perhaps they had manipulated
The Hierarchy of Human Needs
*Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
The fundamentals of any activity play