Alternating Resistance Training
What is alternating resistance training and does it have a place in your routine? When and why?
Technical Failure vs Absolute Failure
Training proximity to failure is an important training variable. Here's the important distinction between absolute failure and technical failure training.
The BiPolar Learning Curve
Most people give up on goals way too soon. This is the reason why, and what you can do to stop undermining your goal striving.
Fat is Essential - You Should Eat Some
Fat used to be demonized. Now it's trendy (Keto anyone?). Like so many other topics there's more nuance than good or bad. This is about that nuance.
Help! I Can't Put On Muscle
Follow along as I answer a reader's question about struggling to gain mass. There is probably something in here that will help you too!
Dairy: The Good, Bad and the Ugly
People often ask me what my thoughts are on Dairy, Meat, Eggs, blah…blah…blah…
and to be honest I’
The 'Laws' of Medicine
> “In his 1934 book, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, the philosopher Karl
Popper [
How 'Fitness' Genes Work
[]I got to view a
wonderful TED 2016 [https://conferences.ted.
The X Split Routine
When it comes to 4x a week, 2-day splits, most people think of the upper/lower split. But there are other ways to do it, and this is one of my favourites.