Neuromuscular Training Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
Exertion and Intensity are not the same things. Here's how to use Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) in resistance training programming.
Effective or Stimulating Repetitions
What is the key consideration for muscle growth? It's probably the accumulating of enough effective (AKA stimulating) repetitions. Here's what they are.
Technical Failure vs Absolute Failure
Training proximity to failure is an important training variable. Here's the important distinction between absolute failure and technical failure training.
Fat is Essential - You Should Eat Some
Fat used to be demonized. Now it's trendy (Keto anyone?). Like so many other topics there's more nuance than good or bad. This is about that nuance.
Help! I Can't Put On Muscle
Follow along as I answer a reader's question about struggling to gain mass. There is probably something in here that will help you too!
What's Better: A Split Routine or Total Body Routine?
[]CC Public Affairs Office Fort Wainwright
Split routines, or as I like to call them
Neuromuscular Training Explained
Last week I wrote this post [],
in an aim to simplify how I think about