The BiPolar Learning Curve
Most people give up on goals way too soon. This is the reason why, and what you can do to stop undermining your goal striving.
Help! I Can't Put On Muscle
Follow along as I answer a reader's question about struggling to gain mass. There is probably something in here that will help you too!
The 'Laws' of Medicine
> “In his 1934 book, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, the philosopher Karl
Popper [
Is Diet Really 80% of the Fat Loss Equation?
There has been a long standing cliche in the fitness business.
No doubt you’ve heard the cliche saying that
Less Perfect = Better Results?
[]CC Bryan Zug
Some time ago I wrote a quick article called, “Perfect Smurfect
The Best Kept Secret of the Fitness Industry
[]CC val.pearl
In 2013, I wrote this answer on Quora about the best kept
Fat Loss: How to Lose 20% of Your Bodyweight with Ease
little too simplistic…
Current dogma suggests that all you
Will I Get 'Bulky' If I Lift Weights?
And any excessive energy intake really…
No doubt
Goals are for Losers
[]CC Paula Naugle
Now that’s a bit harsh, isn’t it?
What's the Best Human Diet?
[]This post was prompted by
a debate that I often find myself